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Blount Report: Affairs in Hawaii

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that he was proud to be an American citizen, and three members of this cabinet 
were American citizens today.
Rep. Smith asked if the minister was not a Hawaiian subject.
Minister Macfarlane said he was one, of the last to take the oath of allegiance, and 
then only on the advice of Minister Merrill that he would not lose his American citi- 
zenship. He was a better American than the member from Lihue was a Hawaiian, 
or he would not be advocating annexation. He believed in annexation and the Ad- 
vertiser was in favor of annexation, and nothing but annexation would satisfy 
them. Two weeks ago these gentlemen were fighting for the constitutional prin- 
ciple involved. That is lost sight of now and new charges are trumped up to defeat 
what we have been trying to do in the interests of the country. The gentlemen had 
charged that they were opposed to American interests, and that these struggling in- 
dustries were throttled in their infancy because the cabinet was hostile to the United 
States. That was the veriest bosh and nonsense, and this cabinet would be as able 
to negotiate a treaty as anyone, and the correspondence would prove that, and he 
wished the house might see it. Such statements were simply dust-throwing to 
make it appear that only these gentlemen of the opposition could bring about a 
treaty with the United States. It had also been stated by the noble from Maui that 
the utterances of the Bulletin wore chargeable to the cabinet. Those statements 
were utterly untrue, and the cabinet had no control over that paper whatever. He 
would read, with the permission of the house, the correspondence with the minis- 
ter, which would show that the course of the cabinet had been fully straightforward 
and manly, and not as bad been represented by the noble from Maui. The corre- 
spondence was somewhat extended, but it would show the facts. It would be proper 
to have the correspondence read if the house so requested, and he would ask the 
house to request that the correspondence be read.
Noble Williams moved it be read.
Noble Thurston said if the minister wished to have the correspondence read he 
must do so on his own responsibility, and not endeavor to shift the responsibility to 
the house.
Rep. Ashford endorsed the remarks of the last speaker. The minister might read 
it on his own responsibility if he wanted to, but, he hoped he would not want to. 
Not that he feared to have anything read, but to judge from the remarks of the pre- 
mier it must be twaddle.
Rep. Waipuilani thought the minister had no right to read the correspondence. 
In any ease the house should be cleared.
Rep. Kaunamano wished it read.
Minister Macfarlane said it was somewhat irregular, but he would read it with 
the concurrence of the house and not without.  It would show the statements of 
the members of the other side to be false. It would show that the cabinet were in 
no way responsible for the bulletin.
The president stated that the minister was asking too much of the house.   He  
might read it if he chose.
Minister Macfarlane contended that he might read it if the house asked for it.
Rep. ASHFORD. We shan't ask for it.
Minister MACFARLANE. Then you won't hear it, and you don't want to, either.
Minister Parker asked the minister of finance to give way for a moment.    The 
allegation was made here that the cabinet were on unfriendly terms with the Amer- 
ican minister.    This correspondence was brought here to disprove that.    If the 
house were not willing to hear the correspondence, then they should strike out the 
corresponding part of the resolution.
Rep Kapahu said no amount of talking would change anybody's mind. Noble 
Thurston had expatiated on a quarrel supposed to exist between the cabinet and the 
American minister, but when the correspondence was brought in they were scared 
and didn't want it read. This correspondence should be examined. A committee 
should be appointed to examine into the truth about it. There was nothing in any 
of the charges against the ministry. The opposition were like a man who pulls a 
banana plant up every twenty-four hours to see whether it is growing. It was only 
the other day that when the minister wanted to fix the appropriation bill, this house 
told him to take it and fix it. Now they want to put him out, before he has had a 
chance to do anything about it. This house has no right to tell the attorney-general 
to remove the marshal. This rests with the attorney-general alone. We have no 
right to try public officials for their actions. Much fault has been found with the 
cabinet because they do not put down gambling. Gambling has gone on under all 
administrations here. Was it stopped during the term of office of the noble from 
Maui! No. Therefore the house should not censure the marshal or the cabinet for 
these things now.
Mr. NEUMANN, The cabinet is not on the defensive, but I will ask if any member 
of this house wishes to speak, for I want to close. It is our right to close this debate, 
and I will give way to anyone who wishes to speak. On behalf of the cabinet, he

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