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Hawaii Organic Act: Congressional debates on Hawaii Organic Act

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1918               On page 6, line 1, after the words "six hundred and five," I move to insert "inclusive."
                   On the same page, line 6, after the words " seven hundred and  fifty-five," I move to insert "inclusive."
                   On the same page, line 7, after the words " eight hundred and  nine," I move to insert  "inclusive."
                   On the same page, line 10, after the words "eight hundred and  fifteen," I move to insert  "inclusive."
                   On the same page, line 12, after the words " nine hundred and  six," I move to insert "inclusive."
                   On the same page, line 15, after the words "eleven hundred and  seventy-nine," I move to insert  "inclusive."
                   On the same page, line 16, after the words, " twelve hundred and  nine," I move to insert  "inclusive."
                   On the same page, line 17, after the word " seventy-six,"I move to  insert "inclusive."
These amendments are simply to make certain the chapters or 
sections that are to be repealed. The amendments were agreed to.
 Mr. CULLOM.   Mr. President, I did not intend, when this bill was 
last before the Senate, to make any remarks at all, except as they 
might be called forth in the consideration of the different sections 
of the bill.   But since that time 1 have concluded that perhaps I 
ought to say a few words in a general way in reference to the 
measure as a sort of introduction to the consideration of the bill 
itself.   It is perhaps expected that some member of the Committee 
on Foreign Relations of the Senate should say some-thing, in 
advance of its consideration by the Senate generally, about the 
bill reported to the Senate and which is now before this body; and 
as the distinguished Senator from Alabama [Mr. MORGAN] and 
myself were on the commission appointed by the President to 
recommend to Congress such legislation concerning the Hawaiin 
Islands as the commission should deem necessary or proper, it is 
perhaps expected of us especially to explain the bill. 
Going back to a period beyond the passage of the joint resolution 
annexing the islands, it might be well to say that the joint 
resolution recited the language in part of the treaty of annexation 
concluded at Washington on the 16th of June, 1897, where the 
preamble to the resolution states that the Republic of Hawaii 
ceded absolutely and without reserve to the United States of 
America all rights of sovereignty of whatsoever kind in and over the 
Hawaiian Islands and their dependencies, and also ceded and 
transferred to the United States the absolute fee and ownership of 
all public, government, or crown lands, public buildings, harbors, 
I desire to say that the language used in the joint resolution was 
the same language substantially as that used in the treaty which 
was ratified by the Hawaiian government, but finally not ratified by 
the Senate of the United States; but the joint resolution was taken 
up and passed in place of the treaty; so that when the joint resolution 
in its whereas recites what the Hawaiian government did, it relates to 
the treaty which had been ratified by the Hawaiian government.

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