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Hawaii Organic Act: Congressional debates on Hawaii Organic Act

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when such mercenary schemes as this are presented and receive 
recognition and adoption by the Republican majority in this Congress. 
Mr. Chairman, the proviso under discussion is the production of the 
syndicate back of the subsidy scheme.   They contemplate the 
continuance and extension of arbitrary power so that they can hold 
in subjection and servitude, even to the uttermost parts of the earth, 
those who may once come under their control. They seek the 
further use and extension of Federal bayonets, so that not alone in 
distant Idaho, but in the cities, in Chicago, in Cleveland, in 
Pittsburg, in Philadelphia, New York, and everywhere and 
anywhere they please American labor can be crushed by American 
bullets.    [Applause.] I ask the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. GROSVENOR] 
not to leave the floor, but stand at his place here and now and defend 
American seamen against the slavery continued by this proviso. I 
denounce the schemes contemplated by the servants of syndicates 
here.   I denounce this proviso, and I beg every man on this side of 
the House - aye, if there be a patriot, a lover of his country, a friend 
of justice, and a friend of labor on the Republican side, I beg him 
to join with us and vote to strike out with just indignation this 
glaring wrong to American seamen.    [Applause.] Each one of us here 
has sworn that we will support the Constitution of the United States.   
It is absolutely binding upon us all. Framed, interpreted, and applied 
for over a century, becoming the very Government itself, the 
Constitution should be the object of our care and solicitude.   We 
should above all others obey its articles and keep within its 
limitations, and yet it is deliberately proposed here to violate this 
fundamental law of our land.   I plead with you to-day for justice to 
the American seaman.   I call upon you to open the way for a 
broader application of the principles of equity and right.   I plead that 
in the exercise of our constitutional duties we secure to all classes of 
American citizens the blessings and privileges granted to them 
under the Constitution we have sworn to obey.   Give to labor its 
just dues and prerogatives.   Give it the protection it demands - 
equality alone - nothing more, nothing less. We have fought in days 
gone by for our political independence and won; we fought for the 
maintenance and preservation of the Union and won; but we must 
now battle with a more dangerous and subtle foe than we have ever 
faced on battlefield.   Greed, avarice, and unholy ambition 
threaten our national existence. Let us be men, strong, brave-
hearted, and true; true to our country and true to our countrymen; 
and stand for the right and for the rights of all as against special 
privileges to a few.   Corrupt influences and means in times past 
have brought about temporary triumph of evil, but -
Though the heel of the strong oppressor May grind the weak in the dust, And the 
voices of fame with one acclaim May call him great and just, Let those who 
applaud take warning And keep this motto in sight: "No question is ever settled 
Until it is settled right." [Applause.] The CHAIRMAN.   The question is 
on agreeing to the amendment offered by the gentleman from 
Massachusetts [Mr. KNOX] . The question was taken; and on a division 
(demanded by Mr. KNOX) there were - 40 ayes and 27 noes. So the 
amendment was agreed to. . Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana.   Now, Mr. 
Chairman, I move to add to the last section the substitute I send to the 
Clerk's desk. The CHAIRMAN.   The gentleman from Indiana moves 
an amendment which the Clerk will report. The Clerk read as follows:
Add to the last section the following: "That all contracts made since August 12, 
1898, by which persons are held for service for a definite term, are hereby 
declared null and void and terminated, and no law shall be passed to enforce 
said contracts in any way; and it shall be the duty of the United States marshal 
to at once notify such persons so held of the termination of their contracts."
Mr. HITT.   Mr. Chairman, the subject which is provided for by 
the proposed amendment is one that the bill presented to this House 
by the commissioners contemplated, in other language, which I will 
read, and which is carried into effect in the Hawaiian Islands by the 
fifth section of this bill and the original commissioners' bill:           
All contracts for a terra of service of any subject of China, Japan, or any 
oriental country in the United States are hereby declared void.
That is in the statutes of the United States which were extended over 
the Hawaiian Islands by the bill of this committee and by the 
original bill. Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana.   That was not considered 
by the other body of Congress as sufficient to wipe out the system of 
contract labor in Hawaii.   Outside of the two words "obligation" 
and "contract," which are embodied in the amendment of the 
chairman of the Committee on Territories, this is deemed a sup-
plemental section to his amendment which strikes this system

down effectually and has already met the indorsement and approval 
of the other body of Congress. The question being taken, the 
amendment was agreed to; there being, on a division called for by Mr. 
ROBINSON of Indiana - ayes 45, noes 42. Mr. McRAE.   I now offer the 
amendment which was read a moment ago.                              . The 
CHAIRMAN.   The amendment of the gentleman from Arkansas [Mr. 
MCRAE] will be read. The Clerk read as follows:     
Add the following paragraph to section 11: "That the act approved February 26, 
1885, to prohibit the importation and immigration of foreigners and aliens under 
contract or agreement to perform labor in the United States or its Territories and 
the District of Columbia, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental 
thereto, be, and the same are hereby, extended to and made applicable to the 
Territory of Hawaii."
Mr. KNOX.   I have repeatedly stated that by express provision of this 
bill the act referred to in the gentleman's amendment, as all other 
acts of the United States relating to the importation of alien labor or 
contract labor, are extended to Hawaii.   If we once start to specify 
different laws of the United States as being extended by this bill we 
can never complete it. Mr. McRAE.   I am satisfied, Mr. Chairman, 
that the gentleman from Massachusetts [Mr. KNOX] desires to 
accomplish exactly what I do; but I am afraid that the resolution 
which annexed Hawaii and which continued in force the Hawaiian 
laws, and section 10 of this bill, which undertakes to deal with the 
labor contracts, will still leave this question in doubt.   The power 
to exclude contract laborers and the power to prohibit the steam-
ship owners from carrying them there is what is needed and is just 
what my amendment will give.   It is a short paragraph, and it can do 
no harm, and may do much good.   I do not want us to take any risk 
about it.   I know that this very language was passed by the House 
in the last Congress without a division, but the Senate for some 
reason refused to adopt it There have been brought into Hawaii 
within the last year over 30,080 laborers under contract, in violation 
of our law.   Unless yon make it perfectly plain that we intend to 
prevent alien contract labor, it will be brought in, to the great 
detriment of the honest laborers of this country.   Those who dominate 
these islands want such labor, and the provisions of section 10, which 
only permits suits on such contracts, will not break up the system. 
Mr. KNOX.   The objection made to the bill which was before us in 
the last Congress was that it was a separate bill, and that the 
provision in question should be included in the general bill. I am 
sure the gentleman will remember that that objection was made. Mr. 
McRAE.   There was no substantial objection here.   The bill passed 
this House, and went to the Senate, where it was buried in some way.   
I think, in view of this fact, that this paragraph ought to be put in this 
bill in plain unmistakable language and denouncing heavy penalties 
against those who violate it.   To allow suits without making the acts 
criminal will do but little if any good toward preventing such 
contracts. The question being taken on the amendment of Mr. 
McRAE, it was agreed to; there being - ayes 58, noes 48. The Clerk 
read as follows: OATH OF OFFICE. SEC. 19. That every member of the 
legislature and all officers of the Territory of Hawaii shall take the following oath 
or affirmation: I solemnly swear (or affirm), in the presence of Almighty God, 
that I will faithfully support the Constitution and laws of the United States, and 
conscientiously and impartially discharge my duties as a member of the legislature, 
or as an officer of the Territory of Hawaii (as the case may be).
Mr. KNOX.   I desire to offer an amendment - simply verbal. The 
Clerk read as follows:
After the" word "officers," in line 18, section 19, page 60, and after the word "officer," 
in line 24 of the same section, insert the words "of the Government."
The amendment was agreed to. The Clerk read as follows:
PUNISHMENT OF PERSONS NOT MEMBERS. SEC. 25. That each house may punish by 
fine, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, any person not a member of 
either house who shall be guilty of disrespect of such house by any disorderly or 
contemptuous behavior in its presence or that of any committee thereof.
Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana.   I move to amend by inserting after the 
word "thereof," in line 4, page 62, the language which I send to the 
desk. The Clerk read as follows: 
Who shall, on account of the exercise of any legislative function, threaten harm to 
the body or estate of any of the members of such house; or Who shall assault, 
arrest, or detain any witness or other person ordered to attend such house, on his 
way going to or returning therefrom; or Who shall rescue any person arrested by 
order of such house. But the person charged with the offense shall be informed, 
in writing, of the charge made against him, and have an opportunity to present 
evidence and be heard in his own defense.
Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana.   This provision was passed by the Senate 
in the form in which I have offered it.   It relates to the authority of 
each house of the legislature over the proceedings of

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