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An Institute for Museum & Library Services grant request.
Submitted April 1998

Project To Create and Expand Digital Databases for
Three Collections in the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Libraries

Table of Contents

IMLS Grant Application
National Impact & Adaptability
Design: Goals & Objectives
Management Plan

Print Text-only

See Also

Project Report I
Project Report II
Project Report III
Final Report
WebWise Conference Slide

< < Digital Archives Collection Page
º Hawaii War Records
º Hawaiian Newspapers
º Trust Territory Archives


The goals of this project for both the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Photo Collection and digitized images of Hawaiian Language Newspapers on microfilm will provide an opportunity to review past practices and models for making image data available in digital format and to identify means to migrate from proprietary systems/formats to more common standards with the least amount of duplication of effort.

Information gained will include sharing and comparing methodologies and outcomes with other institutions currently engaged in similar projects (e.g. image files from the microfiche "Niupepa 1842-1933" collection produced by the Alexander Turnbull Library as a part of the New Zealand Digital Library at the University of Waikato or the pilot project to digitize newspapers from the French Revolution of 1848 as a test of electronic distribution of archive material via Internet, which involves the Center for Research Libraries and ARTFL (American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language) a cooperative project of the Institut National de la Langue Francaise (INaLF) of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Divisions of the Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Chicago).

This project will create alternative forms of unique library resources, thereby both preserving them and also making them accessible to the broader community of scholars, researchers and students. The project will provide an opportunity for both the UHM Library and the Library and Information Studies Program to explore and address issues involved in the construction of operational digital libraries in an academic environment. As significant quantities of material, formerly available only in a restricted framework of time and space, are made available via the World Wide Web there will be opportunities for study of information access patterns in order to improve the usability of the digital collections.

The project will provide a foundation for future examination, experimentation with and teaching of the construction of usable indexing for digital collections. As the collections grow, they may be used in Library and Information Studies as working models in which to create meta-information environments, research and understand issues of metadata quality and content standards and to study the effects of interface design.

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Send questions and comments to: speccoll@hawaii.edu