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Hawaii Voyager Circulation/ILL Steering Committee

January 25, 2001

Present: Susan Murata, Carla Brum, Tiffany Severns, Andrea Nakamura, Genny
Mero, Ralph Toyama, Sandi Ohashi, Fred Allen, Michelle Miyaji, Shellie
Numazu, Swee Berkey, Sharon LaPage, Genny Tanji


RuthMarie wanted clarification regarding which libraries loan media
(videos, DVD's) and which department handles the loans.
CC's most ILL and Av requests are handled through circulation department
of the various campuses.  Many of the CC's (HCC for one) doesn't have
their media cataloged.

UH Hilo - Books are handled through ILL and AV through the Film dept.

Wong A/V at Sinclair handles the media requests for Manoa

Policy agreement -  that media borrowed by patrons should be returned by
the patron to the loaning library.  Suggested that if media material is
put in the book drop and you are able to reach the patron that the
patron should be called to pick up the material to return to the media
center to which it belongs. 

If a library does decide to return the media do not discharge the item  
just put a note on the item that alerts the lending library that it needs 
to be checked in.  If accidentally it is discharged by your library, send
it back to the loaning library with a note that it has been discharged.

Agenda items:

1.  Patrons who pay for lost items - discussion on procedure.

It is being suggested by UHM that since a lost and paid stays on a
person's record and shows up in their Patron Account in Voyager Web that
an account titled Lost Paid be created for each library.  In this account
all the lost and paid books would be checked out to the lost and paid
account to remove the last status.    

2.  Overdue fines being charged at different rates (see Smith, Carter
patron file).  It seems to the committee that the time of day items were
charged and returned may have some bearing on the inconsidency of
fines charged.


A.  Set the time in the calendar for closing at 11:59:59 instead of the
    time the library actually closes.

B.  before discharging an item set the time at 00:00:01

c.  making Reserve materials a separate policy group with it's own

3.  Patrons with two cards, one being a CC CU.

The patron in question was an HCC CU patron and is now a student at UHM.
Whenever a patron becomes a student their status should be changed to student 
so that they can have system-wide priviledges. Patron couldn't understand
that it was to her advantage to have the student status (language was a
problem). Please expire any HCC CU's barcodes that now have student
status. Because HCC validated library cards semester by semester many students 
were given a HCC CU status during the summer to allow them access to HCC's 
collection.  Now that a "common" expiration date is being used the problem 
should be solved for all but the CU's without any campus affiliation 
(ie CU's from HCC and paid CU's from Manoa - can't have different dates 
in Voyager).

Also a question regarding a faculty member residing in Hilo (UH Hilo) but
teaching elsewhere.  Faculty member should have "home campus status" and
use a Pop-up note to explain the situtation which may come up in ILL.
Also list the Faculty in a statistical category - 

4.  Media and Reserve returns - everything except for books should be
returned by the patron to the lending library.  [See discussion
before question 1] 
5.  CFly and full bib (duplicate) showing up at return.

Happening when Systems is downloading the records from the Test database
into the Voyager system (which should be now over).  Problem should not
continue after all the libraries files are loaded into Voyager.

One way to identify CFly records should be that they are all in CAPS
and if you try to discharge the item it will say "Browse" if it's not
really checked out.
After some discussion regarding how to delete these records Fred said that
a report can be run showing the items with duplicate barcodes which can
then be fixed and circulation won't have to do it one by one as they come
6.  Voyager Circ Reports from the Web - beginning yesterday the Web reports
will be placed on in Pipe Delimited format.  This allows sites to 
download into Excel.  there is information regarding downloading the
reports and running in Excel on the webpage - the "pipe" for those of us
unfamiliar with the key is the top of the backslash key upper right above
enter.  It looks like a colon only straight not dots.  
Circulation asked Fred for an extra column in the
Fines & fees Report to add a description.
7.  Claims Missing Procedure before the item goes lost - michelle will
report back on this patron Jay Harding -
a. will it bill again if a lost status is applied manually as
opposed to the system applied and billed item
(Michelle reported that it does not bill a second time) 
8.  Macros we would like to have.
Is it possible to have a macro for switching PC's without having to
re-enter ones password?
Macros for:
Proxy borrower
Barcodes - patron and item
9.  Move to Circ 2000 - Fred stated that the main focus for the
circulation module is to "fix" reported bugs - as opposed to add new
Training will be held on Tuesday Febuary 27th in one of two sessions
8:00 - 10:00 or 10:30 - 12:30 
Since most of the non-UH sites will have a difficult time getting to
campus by 8:00 Susan will encourage UH trainees to sign up for training
during the earlier session.
10.  Media scheduling 
RuthMarie stated that Sinclair will go live with the Media Scheduling on
Feb. 12th and since there is no patron interface in the module they will
be live. On that date and beyond, until further notice, other sites
will continue to schedule as they have been.  
Other topics?
Michelle has volunteered to compose a list, one to be given to students
the other to the circulation staffs listing the numbers and who to call
for Circulation related problems.  the Staff side will list FAX, phone and
email numbers of circulation personnel who can help but the student
handout will just list listed numbers and maybe not even names.
***  May need to update - Voyager 2000 will need Access 2000 to run the
reports - Fred will check to see if Access 1997 will work.  At this time  
Reporter will not work on Access 2000.
Some people were questioning the terminology shift in Voyager 
Voyager 	CARL
Error   	cancel

Forgive 	waive  
Here are the revised times (daily) to go into the system and tweak 

7:30 - 8:30  	UH-Hilo
8:30 - 10:00 	Sinclair and OUM (Medical School)
10:00 - 11:30 	Leeward and Windward CC
11:30 - 1:00 	Kapiolani and Honolulu CC
1:00 - 2:30	UH Law
2:30 - 4:00	UH Systems
4:00 - 5:30	UH Hamilton
5:30 - 7:00 	Mauai CC
7:00 - 8:30	Open
If you must get into the system during someone elses assigned time please
call the campus (in some cases two campuses) and ask permission first.
Next meeting Thursday Feb.8 @9:00 am
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