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EXCERPTS FROM INDEX TO CONGRESSIONAL RECORD 56th Congress, 1st Session Vol. 33, Parts 1-8 Dec. 4, 1899 - June 7, 1900 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS ...............................................................Pages Bills to provide government for ................................ 89, 233, 643, 1559, 1836, (S. 222; H. R. 2972).............................................1869-1872, 1918-1934, 1978, .............................................1979-1992, 2022-2033, 2122-2126, .............................................2128-2133, 2179-2196, 2240-2257, .............................................2316-2329, 2386-2401, 2438-2448, .............................................2449, 2490, 2637, 2740, 3702-3715, .............................................3746-3752, 3769-3777, 3800-3813, .............................................3814-3822, 3851-3864, 3865, 3866, .............................................3907, 3964-3965, 4072, 4357-4358, .............................................4409-4411, 4454-4460, 4460-4470, .............................................4508, 4528, 4648-4651, 4733-4737, .............................................4766, 4800, 4806, 4892; 165, 1739. Bill to extend immigration laws ............. 94 to (S. 600) Bills to extend laws relative to ............ 96, 642; 801; 638, 1962 commerce, navigation, and.....................2453, 2546. Merchant seamen over (S. 729, 2439; H. R. 5065) Bill to extend immigration, contract ................. 701 labor, and Chinese-exclusion laws of United States to (S. 2244) Bill placing under jurisdiction .................. 1154, 1711, 1893. of Secretary of Navy appropri- ation for improvement of Pearl Harbor (S. 2708) Bills for establishment of naval ................... 4452, 5672. station in Pearl Harbor island of Oahu (S. 4290, H. R. 11649) Bill to provide for officers in .................... 5020, 5477, 5827, 5924, customs district of (S. 4560) ........................ 5992, 6014, 6078. Bill to facilitate entry of steam- .................. 5263, 5361, 5603-5604, ships engaged in coasting ........................ 5880, 6103, 6180, 6186, trade between United States ........................ 6369. and (S. 4615) Bill to amend act to provide .................... 5362, 5477, 5602. government for (S. 4650) iii