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Hawaii Organic Act: Congressional debates on Hawaii Organic Act

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Mississippi has alluded to Connecticut and to New Haven, I wish to 
say this in reference to that matter.   The State of Connecticut was 
organized on a different plan from any other State in the nation -- 
Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi.   I beg the gentleman's pardon. I do 
not want to seem to be in the slightest degree discourteous. The 
gentleman knows that it has always been my habit to yield 
whenever interrupted, and I thought I was yielding to the gentleman 
for a question. Mr. SPERRY.  No sir; I rose for the purpose of making 
some remarks. Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi.   I can not yield for 
that purpose.   The gentleman can get time of the House subsequently.   
I can not yield for the purpose of allowing him to inject a speech 
into my remarks. Now, Mr. Chairman , either Hawaii is a part of the 
United States or Hawaii is not a part of the United States.   Gentlemen 
have contended in the case of the Philippine Islands and Puerto Rico, 
which are in military occupancy and which were taken by conquest, 
that they are not a part of the United States until Congress ex-
pressly declares them to be.   But that contention, sound or unsound, 
can not have sway in the case of Hawaii, because Hawaii was 
admitted into the Union by her own petition, upon her own request, 
and by our consent.   She has become a part of the United States.   
Whatever the constitutional situation may be or may not be in 
connection with the Philippines and Puerto Rico, bused upon the 
idea that they are in military occupancy, that sort of argument can 
not apply to Hawaii. Now, then, if Hawaii is a part of the United 
States, she is entitled to all the rights of every other Territory in the 
United States, and one of those rights is to be represented, by the 
power of speech at any rate, upon this floor.    [Applause.]   Now, I 
thank the House for its courtesy and attention and for waiving in 
my behalf its rule of procedure for the moment. Mr. HILL.   Will the 
gentleman answer me a question?   How about Alaska and the 
District of Columbia? Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi.   I would to-
morrow organize a Territorial government for Alaska, and give 
Alaska a representative upon this floor, and it ought to be done at 
the very earliest practicable moment.   I would do the same thing 
for the District of Columbia, and in both cases I would have a 
restricted suffrage. [Applause.] Mr. KNOX.   Mr. Chairman, the 
debate on this matter has been exhausted, and I ask for a vote. Mr. 
CLARK of Missouri.   Mr. Chairman, I would like to make a remark 
or two, by unanimous consent. The CHAIRMAN.   The gentleman 
from Missouri asks unanimous consent that he may have five 
minutes.   Is there objection? [After a pause.]   The Chair hears none. 
Mr. CLARK of Missouri.   Now. Mr. Chairman, originally I was 
opposed to taking in the Sandwich Islands. Mr. KNOX.   Will the 
gentleman from Missouri pardon me a suggestion?   I will not take 
up any of his time. Air. CLARK of Missouri.   Yes. Mr. KNOX.   Mr. 
Chairman, I move that the debate on this section close with six 
minutes to the gentleman from Missouri and five minutes to the 
gentleman from Connecticut. Mr. CLARK of Missouri.   I wish you 
would make it ten.   I may not be able to close my remarks in six 
minutes. Mr. KNOX.   Ten minutes to the gentleman from Missouri 
and five minutes to the gentleman from Connecticut [Mr. SPERRY]. The 
CHAIRMAN.   The gentleman from Massachusetts moves that the 
debate on this section be closed at the expiration of fifteen minutes.   
Is there objection?   [After a pause.]   The Chair hears none. Mr. 
CLARK of Missouri.   Mr. Chairman, originally I was opposed to 
taking in the Sandwich Islands.   If that were still an open question, 
I would be just as much opposed to it as ever, but the incident of 
annexation is closed.   We have them for better or for worse, and it is 
our duty both to ourselves and to them to do the best we can in a 
difficult situation. Therefore I am in favor of giving these people a 
Delegate upon this floor of the character they see fit to send hither 
to explain their situation and their wants.  If they wish to send a 
white man, all well and good.   I hope they will.   If they want to 
send a Kanaka - if that is the proper name - all well and good.   That 
is their business, not ours. I am teetotally opposed to any portion of the 
people of the United States being taxed without having 
representation.  That is the principle for which we waged the 
Revolutionary war, and it was well worth fighting for.   Now, I wish 
to reenforce what my friend from Mississippi [Mr. WILLIAMS] said.    
It does not lie in the mouth of the people of New England to come 
hero and taunt Southerners about their methods of running elections. 
In Missouri every man, great or small, rich or poor, white or black, 
has the right to vote once and to have his vote counted; but I am a 
Southern man in feeling and in thought, and I know that

what they do down there they do under an impulse of self-preservation 
too strong to be resisted. The gentleman from Connecticut [Mr. HILL] 
quoted approvingly part of my speech, delivered here in the summer 
of 1898, against the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands.   He 
describes it as "a remarkable and prophetic speech."   I am obliged to 
him for his flattering indorsement; I wish he had quoted it all.   1 am 
willing to rest my fame not only as an orator but as a prophet upon 
that speech.    [Laughter.] The same gentleman asks: "Do you want a 
Congressional Delegate from the District of Columbia?"   Nobody has 
yet answered his query, so I will proceed to do so myself.   Yes; I 
want a Delegate in Congress from the District of Columbia.   Not only 
that, but I introduced a bill in the last Congress, also one in this, 
erecting this District into a Territory and reenfranchising the people 
thereof, conferring upon them the right of self-government, and 
authorizing them, inter alia, to elect a common council and a Delegate 
to this House; but I have never been able to get a report on the bill: In 
the next Congress the Democrats will have the House, and I will have 
a favorable report on that bill or worry the committee into insanity or 
the apoplexy.    [Laughter.] Mr. HILL. Why did you not present and 
urge your bill when your party had the House? Mr. CLARK of 
Missouri.   Because I was a green hand in Congressional legislation; but 
I am "green" in that respect no longer. I will print my bill as part of my 
remarks, so as to set members to thinking seriously about it.   Here it 
A bill to create a Territory of the District of Columbia by the name of the 
Territory of Columbia and to grant Territorial government to the same.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of 
America in Congress assembled. That the District of Columbia is hereby created 
a Territory by the name of the Territory of Columbia. SEC. 2. That all male 
citizens of said Territory over 21 years of age, who have not been convicted of a 
felony and who have resided within said District one whole year prior to the first 
Tuesday after the first Monday of November, A. D. 1900, are qualified electors to 
vote for all Territorial officers and upon all Territorial questions. SEC. 3. That the 
existing District government shall continue until Janary 1, 1901, and the laws 
now in force shall continue In force until changed or repealed by the Territorial 
legislature. SEC. 4. That prior to January 1, 1901, the President of the United 
States shall appoint a governor, secretary, and marshal for said Territory from 
among the qualified voters thereof, who shall hold their offices for a term of four 
years from said 1st day of January, A. D. 1901, unless sooner removed for good 
and sufficient cause. SEC. 6. That the legislature of said Territory shall consist of a 
senate and house of representatives.   The senate shall be composed of 11 
members, who shall be qualified voters of said Territory at least 30 years of 
age, whose term shall be four years.   The house shall be composed of 22 
members, who shall be qualified voters at least 25 years old, and whose term 
shall be two
SEC. 6. That the said Territory shall be entitled to a Delegate to the House of 
Representatives in the Congress of the United States. SEC. 7. That it shall be the 
duty of the present Commissioners of the District forthwith to divide the said 
Territory into 11 legislative districts, as nearly equal in population as possible, 
each of which shall be entitled to 1 senator and 2 representatives in the 
Territorial legislature. SEC. 8. That on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in 
November, 1900, an election shall bo held within said Territory for the purpose 
of electing senators and representatives in said Territorial legislature and a 
Delegate to the Congress of the United States.     SEC. 9. That it is hereby made 
the duty of said Commissioners to provide polling booths, poll books, tally 
sheets, printed ballots, and other appliances necessary for said election, and to 
appoint judges and clerks for the same in such numbers as to them shall seem 
best: Provided, however. That not more than one-half of such judges and clerks 
shall be appointed from one political
SEC. 10. That election returns shall be certified to said Commissioners, and they 
shall canvass the same and issue certificates of election to those elected. SEC. 11. 
That each house of said legislature shall be the sole judge of the election and 
qualifications of ita members. SEC. 13. That at high noon January 1, 1901, both 
houses of said legislature shall meet at places prepared by said Commissioners 
and shall organize for business by electing such officers as shall be necessary, 
and may continue in session for ninety days and no more. SEC. 13. That senators 
and representatives in said legislature shall receive $10 per day during the 
session, to be paid out of the revenues of said Terri-
SEC. 14. That said legislature shall have power to enact all necessary laws, to 
levy taxes, to disburse the revenues, to do all things usually done by Territorial 
legislatures, and to provide for the election and appointment of all subordinate 
officers and to fix their compensation.
Last Saturday night, while delivering a lecture before the faculty and 
students of the University of Michigan, at Ana Arbor I received a 
telegraphic order from Senator JAMES K. JONES, OF ARKANsas, 
chairman of the Democratic national committee, directing me to go 
to Rhode Island and make two Democratic speeches.  I went and I 
learned a great deal.   I found a state of affairs which utterly amazed 
me.   They have such an outrageous apportionment there that the 
great city of Providence has only 1 State senator out of 87 and 13 
representatives out of 72 in the lower house of the legislature.  Ex-
Governor Davis told me of some town with only 267 voters which 
elects a senator.                          Mr. CAPRON.   Will the gentleman 
allow me?       Mr. CLARK of Missouri.   I yield for a question 
only.   Mr. CAPRON.   What the gentleman speaks of is the result 
of a provision of our State constitution which we have attempted

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