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5545 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question now is, Shall the bill be engrossed for a third reading? Mr. MASON. Do I understand that the question now is on the engrossment and third reading of the bill? The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on ordering the bill to be engrossed for a third reading. Mr. MASON. Then I ask to have it read in full. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The bill will be read in full as it has been amended. The bill was read in full as amended, and ordered to be en- grossed for a third reading. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question now is, Shall the bill be read a third time? Mr. MASON. I object to the further consideration of this bill at the present time. I have not had a chance to examine it, and this is the first time I have heard of it. Mr. LODGE. It is too late now to object. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair understands, the bill is parliamentary before the Senate and that an objection does not lie against it. Mr. MASON. What is the entry in the Journal in regard to it? The PRESIDENT pro. tempore. The bill was laid before the Senate this morning on the request of the Senator from Vermont [Mr. Ross] without objection; the Senator from Vermont made a speech upon it, and then it was laid aside. Mr. GALLINGER. If 1 may be permitted, while I do not wish to obstruct this bill further than to vote against it, the Senator from Vermont asked distinctly in my presence that the bill be laid before the Senate that he might submit some remarks upon it. That is a customary thing to do, without proceeding to the con- sideration of a bill. Mr. MASON. I did not understand that the bill had been taken up. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The present occupant of the chair was not presiding at the time it took place, but the Chair is informed -- Mr. ROSS. I asked that the bill be considered. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair is informed that the Senator from Vermont asked unanimous consent for the consid- eration of the bill, that that consent was given, and that it was, by unanimous consent, laid aside in order that the Senator from Iowa [Mr. ALLISON] might present the conference report on the District of Columbia appropriation bill. Therefore, if that is a correct statement of the matter, the bill is before the Senate, and no objection will lie against it. The question is on the third read- ing of the bill. Mr. SCOTT. I move that the bill be indefinitely postponed. Mr. PENROSE. I second the motion. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from West Vir- ginia moves the indefinite postponement of the bill. [Putting the question.] By the sound, the "ayes" have it. Mr. ROSS. I call for the yeas and nays on the motion. The yeas and nays were ordered; and the Secretary proceeded to call the roll. Mr. CAFFERY (when his name was called). I have a general pair with the Senator from Michigan [Mr. BURROWS]. If he were present, I should vote "nay." Mr. DAVIS (when his name was called). I am paired with the Senator from Texas [Mr. CHILTON], Mr. HANNA (when his name was called). I have a general pair with the Senator from Utah [Mr. RAWLINS], who is absent. Mr. LODGE (when his name was called). I have a general pair with the Senator from Georgia [Mr. CLAY]. I suggest to the Sen- ator from Louisiana [Mr. CAFFERY] that we might transfer our pairs, if agreeable to him, and then we may both vote. Mr. CAFFERY. That meets my approval. Mr. LODGE. I vote "nay." Mr. CAFFERY. I vote "nay." Mr. MARTIN (when his name was called). I have a general pair with the Senator from Illinois [Mr. CULLOM]. In his ab- sence, I withhold my vote. I should vote "nay" if he were pres- ent. Mr. MORGAN (when his name was called). I am paired with the junior Senator from Iowa [Mr. GEAR], Mr. PENROSE (when his name was called). I have a general pair with the Senator from Delaware [Mr. KENNEY]. He being absent, I will withhold my vote. Mr. PLATT of New York (when his name was called). I have a general pair with the junior Senator from Idaho [Mr. HEITFELD]; but this question being one that is nonpolitical, I will take the liberty of voting, and will vote "nay." Mr. THURSTON (when his name was called). I have a general pair with the Senator from South Carolina [Mr. TILLMAN]. If he were present, I should vote "yea." Mr. TURLEY (when his name was called). I have a special pair with the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. PLATT], who is necessarily absent. As I am informed he would vote "nay" on this question, I shall vote. I vote "nay." The roll call was concluded. Mr. BACON. The junior Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. WETMORE], with whom I am paired, is absent, and so I withhold my vote. If he were present, I should vote "nay." Mr. CULBERSON (after having voted in the negative). I de- sire to ask if the junior Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. QUARLES] has voted? The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair is informed that he has not voted. Mr. CULBERSON. I have a general pair with that Senator, and therefore I withdraw my vote. Mr. SPOONER. I wish to announce that my colleague [Mr. QUARLES] is absent acting upon a subcommittee of the Senate. Mr. THURSTON. I understand that no quorum has voted. If that is the fact, I will take the liberty of voting, notwithstand- ing my pair. I vote "yea." The PRESIDENT pro tempore. No quorum has voted. The Secretary will call the roll. The Secretary called the roll; and the following Senators an- swered to their names: The result was announced - yeas 12, nays 28; as follows: Mr. CULBERSON. My colleague [Mr. CHILTON] is absent on account of illness. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Forty-six Senators have an- swered to their names. There is a quorum present. The roll will again be called on the motion to indefinitely postpone the bill. The Secretary proceeded to call the roll. Mr. BACON (when his name was called). I again announce my pair with the junior Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. WET- MORE]. Mr. CAFFERY (when his name was called). Under the ar- rangement wade with the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. LODGE] to transfer our respective pairs, I vote "nay." Mr. DAVIS (when his name was called). I am paired with the Senator from Texas [Mr. CHILTON]. Mr. HANNA (when his name was called). I have a general pair with the Senator from Utah [Mr. RAWLINGS]. Mr. LODGE (when his name was called). I am paired with the junior Senator from Georgia [Mr. CLAY]; but under the arrange- ment heretofore made with the Senator from Louisiana [Mr. CAFFERY], I transfer that pair to the Senator from Michigan [Mr. BURROWS] and vote "nay." Mr. PENROSE (when his name was called). I again announce my pair with the Senator from Delaware [Mr. KENNEY] , and with- hold my vote. Mr. THURSTON (when his name was called). I have a gen- eral pair with the senior Senator from South Carolina [Mr. TILL- MAN], but being anxious to assist in making a quorum I feel jus- fied in voting. I vote "yea." The roll call was concluded. Mr. McMILLAN (after having voted in the affirmative). I have a general pair with the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. LIND- SAY] , but under the circumstances I will let my vote in the affirm- ative stand.