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Hawaii Organic Act: Congressional debates on Hawaii Organic Act

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May 16, 1900 
v. 33 (6) 
p. 5580

Fisheries of Hawaii: 
The President pro tempore laid before the 
Senate a communication from the Secretary of 
the Treasury, transmitting a letter from the 
United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, 
submitting an estimate of appropriation, $6,500, 
for the investigation of fisheries of Hawaii, 
etc.; which, with the accompanying papers, was 
referred to the Committee on Appropriations, 
and ordered to be printed.

May 16,  1900 
v.  33   (6) 
p.  5602

Mr. DANIEL,   I ask for the present consideration of the bill 
reported from the Committee on Foreign Relations authorizing 
the Secretary of the Treasury to settle the debt of Hawaii. 
The PRESIDENT pro tempore.   The Senator from Virginia 
asks unanimous consent for the consideration of a bill the title of 
which will be stated. 
The SECRETARY.   A bill (S. 4650) to amend and reenact an act 
entitled "An act to provide a government for the Territory of 
Hawaii," approved April 30, 1900. 
The PRESIDENT pro tempore.   The bill has been read in full 
to the Senate.    Is there objection to its present consideration? 
Mr. PETTIGREW.   I should like to hear the bill read through. 
The PRESIDENT pro tempore.   The bill will be again read. 
The Secretary proceeded to read the bill. 
Mr. PETTIGREW.   I shall object to the consideration of the 
bill at this time. 
The PRESIDENT pro tempore.   Objection is made to the con- 
sideration of the bill.

May 16,  1900 
v. 33  (6) 
p.  5603-5604

Mr. NELSON.   I ask unanimous consent for the present con- 
sideration of the bill (S. 4615) to facilitate the entry of steam- 
ships engaged in the coasting trade between Porto Rico and the 
United States. 
There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the 
Whole, proceeded to consider the bill. 
Mr. NELSON.   I offer an amendment to the bill, to insert in 
line 0, after the name "Porto Rico," the words "and the Terri- 
tory of Hawaii." 
The PRESIDENT pro tempore.   The amendment will be stated. 
The SECRETARY.   It is proposed to amend, in line 6, after the 
name "Porto Rico," by inserting "and the Territory of Hawaii;" 
so as to make the bill read:
Be it enacted, etc., That the provisions of the act of June 5, 1894, entitled 
"An act to facilitate the entry of steamships," are hereby extended to steam- 
ships engaged in trading between ports of Porto Rico and the Territory of 
Hawaii and those of the United States.
The amendment was agreed to.      
The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amend- 
ment was concurred in. 
The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the 
third time, and passed. 
The title was amended so as to read: "A bill to facilitate the 
entry of steamships engaged in the coasting trade between Porto 
Rico, the Territory of Hawaii, and the United States."

May 17,  1900 
v.  33   (6) 
p. 5672

By Mr. FOSS: A bill (H. R. 11649) to provide for the acquire- 
ment by the United States of lauds and rights therein necessary 
to the establishment of a naval station in Pearl Harbor, island of 
Oahu, Hawaii, and for the dredging of approaches to said harbor - 
to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

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